Monday, September 25, 2006

SOS All Girlies

Hi and welcome to Fabu-licious,

The concept of women needing to juggle many different hats during course of a day is not new. It's usual practise for us all to be constantly looking for time-saving methods to enable us to fit even more into our days. Well, that is why Fabu-licious have started this blog and hopefully, with your help, we can add extra minutes to every busy girl's life.

We are looking for everyone (male or female) who are aware of sites that are specifically aimed at women and their interests. We want to know about events, news, music, books, health, mothers, entertainment, shopping etc. basically anything that will help, inform or entertain us girlies. If you own a site you feel fits the bill and will benefit others, please email us your URL and contact details and we will be respond within 24 hours of receipt.

So, if you have come across something that you feel we should all know about, please add a note saying why you feel it should be included and giving the link details. We will review the site and if we feel that our Fabu-Bloggers would find it useful, we will add it to our blog.

We look forward to receiving your links, and together we can create a Fabu-licious girlie information service that entertains, educates and helps to save time in all our busy schedules.

Thank you for your help
Fabu-licious x


txdave said...

Interesting site. I'm a believer that color, different formats heighten reader interest.

Take a look at a couple of blogs with color, format and photos
quite different from what you've seen before.

Plus I hope you like the content, get an idea you'll use today
and you'll leave a comment on the blog.

both blogs of high interest to women said...

Thanx for your comments - the blog is still being developed at the mo so will have more content shortly... Had a look at the sites you mentioned and agree - every girlie should endulge in brownies for breakfast and well, we all need to be more assertive - thanks for the help :-)

Onemargaret said...

I like your site and I can relate to everything you say. Please visit my site and let me know what you think. Comments welcome! I will be back to visit! Thank you and have a nice evening. said...

Thank you all for your recent comments.. please pass on the blog address to any friends who may have a site that could be listed..


Onemargaret said...

Thank you for the comment. I really appreciate it. I like your site alot. I will definitely back. I will also link my site with yours. Have a wonderful evening.